Wednesday, June 02, 2004

another media ramble

In the previous post I excerpted some of Kerry's remarks. If you read the whole speech it's well developed, a little grim (appropriately to the topic) but full of resolve in the way that military men can plan for peace (no really! You must understand war to plan for peace, just as you must understand disease to cure it!).

But the NY Times (requires registration) just can't report on the issues to save their life. This speech gets turned into a comparison of media campaigns.

It's so discouraging.

But wait! There's more...

Times reporter Adam Nagourney caught the eye of blogger Swopa, and his search of Kerry headlines with Nagourney's byline produced this little gem of a profile of a green-baiter journalist.

Green baiter? I'll say. Kerry's campaign colors are white and green -- appropriate for a man who consistently aces the League of Conservation Voters ratings, and got LCV's early endorsement in January!

“John Kerry is a man whose unparalleled record on environmental issues has earned him an extraordinary lifetime rating from the League of Conservation Voters, and he is clearly the strongest environmentalist in the field,” said Deb Callahan, president of LCV. “John Kerry understands that the American people need a president who will never roll over to corporate contributors at the expense of the health and safety of the public."

But LCV is taking heat from some Republicans who say that Terry Heinz might have influenced the endorsement through her donations to LCV.

This demonstrates again the cozy relationship between these groups and Democratic candidates, and why the process needs to be transparent,” said Christine Iverson, spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee. “After years of these groups trying to pass themselves off as nonpartisan, third-party organizations, it’s now become clear that they’re essentially working for the Democratic Party, and in this case John Kerry.

I guess it doesn't occur to this woman how transparent it is that the Republicans have been finding it expeditious to let corporations run rampant over environmental laws, and that the LCV favors Democrats because Democrats favor environmentalism.



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