Friday, May 28, 2004

Singing a song...side by side...

So, the big question is, who will be John Kerry's running mate? For me, of course, one of the saddest bits is that Howard Dean will never even see a place on the ticket. Who is going to accept a ticket with two white liberal elite yankee guys?

McCain is right out, despite rumors. He's said "NO WAY" with enough vehemence, I thoroughly believe him.

Hillary Clinton? About 20% of the country loves her, about 20% think she'd gag a maggot. Too much potential swing in the middle, there, I think. Plus, female veeps don't have a good history.

If you can't tell the players without a scorecard, this article in Slate might be just the cheat-sheet for you.

We'll have to wait until my birthday (July 29th, the last day of the Democratic Convention in Boston) to find out who's the other half for this buddy movie.


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