Friday, May 28, 2004

Gone fishin'

The blog will be back Tuesday-ish, since in true UU style, I am running off to WHUUF's annual Camp MacGruder retreat. Since my personal budget is tight this year, I offered to cook for all 75 of us (or at least be meal planner, head shopper, and kitchen wrangler) in exchange for the scholarship Joseph and I would have gotten anyway. Besides, what better way to get to know a new congregation (I moved to SW Portland on 3/15) than to coordinate the kitchen at a weekend event?

Here's a sneak peak at some posts in draft that you might see emerge next week:

Weapons of Media Destruction
-- in which Slate and Shava take apart Judith Miller's NYTimes pre-war WMD reporting. Does the M stand for Moriarty?

Please reform welfare reform!
If your man dies, you get social security survivor's benefits for you and your kids. But if he ditches you, you are thrown into a living hell, and told to stick your kids into substandard childcare when their abandonment issues are raw and bleeding, and take the first job that you can get regardless of how it tears up your family logistics. Family values? So, as a modest proposal, maybe more of the bums should just show up in the East River... Yeah, that's the ticket... Yeah...

Shava's tips for phone banking
Think you can't get on a phone and ask a stranger for money? Be a telemarketer for progressive social change! I'll show you how to rationalize even deciding to try it, and give you some tips on how to kick ass and make friends shilling for political contributions.

For the elaborations of these and other vital issues of the day ("What about Naomi?") tune in next week for more UUs for Kerry!


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