Kerry house party a success -- in Kabul!
In a Guardian report of an event I'll wager won't see any US coverage, Kerry is seeing great support from the US expat community:
In a handsome Kabul garden Franklin the Democrat Donkey gamely posed with the aid workers, UN staff and business people who had gathered to explain why they were backing the Massachusetts senator.
The Kabul event is one of many taking place outside the United States.
Iraq and Cambodia are amongst more than 70 countries where expat Democratic party supporters are organising to help Mr Kerry reach the White House.
"It shows there's fantastic support for John Kerry here in Kabul and I'm sure all across Afghanistan," said Karen Hirschfeld, an aid worker from Mr Kerry's home state.
Ms Hirschfeld works for an organisation dependent on US government funds, but she said that this did not present a problem.
"The great thing about America is that we live in a democracy, we are allowed to choose our presidential candidates as we see fit," she said.
"There is evidence there is a large percentage of Americans who want a change in both foreign and domestic policy.
So I feel quite comfortable working within a democracy to foster change."
She said she was not surprised that many Americans in Kabul did not support George Bush.
"I think that people working in the expat community are often very savvy about foreign affairs and I think that a lot of us here understand that the policies of the Bush administration has done nothing but alienate us from the rest of the world and it's time to reconnect."
Sharon Manitta of Democrats Abroad said that there are now committees of the organisation in 28 different countries and committees being formed in a further 43, including Iraq and Cambodia.
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