Greg Palast speaks hopefully of Kerry/Edwards campaign
If you're not familiar with Greg Palast's work on the theft of the 2000 election, go study up. And then read this article where my favorite US ex-pat British journalist speaks hopefully of the Kerry/Edwards campaign's future with the black community:
The man who would be President is first trying out the 'D' word in front of the friendly natives at the NAACP. But still, it's a step: mentioning out loud the massive, systematic Disenfranchisement of the Black vote.
But the real change won't come until Kerry can say the 'D' word in front of say, a gathering of the members of his wife's country club, and until he confronts the boys holding the electoral lynching ropes in both parties.
I have a dream. I imagine John Kerry taking this message to the floor of the convention next week, proclaiming, "Three decades after Martin Luther King's murder, one million African-Americans cast ballots never counted. This will not stand!" Imagine it: at that moment, for the first time in a generation, the Democratic Party will have nominated a democrat.
Say "amen" somebody!
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